Sunday 12 February 2012

Stained Glass

I was watching a documentary on the glass artist Brian Clarke who designs stained glass in an architectural way (he was once introduced by Cedric Price as "a person who colours in the holes that architects leave in their walls") and I thought I would look at some examples of stained glass.
Brian Clarke - Buxton thermal baths
This space is on the roof of a building but the atmosphere created through the colour and quality of light makes it feel as though it is under water.

Abin design studio - Imi Kolkata 
(I like how with this example the predominant colour of the room will change depending on the position of the sun - perhaps I could explore this idea)

Narcissus Quafliata - Kaohsi Ung Main Station
Although there are many colours all mixed together here, because of the large area which it covers there is still opportunity for creating different atmospheres in different areas.

Javier Senosiain - Nautilius House
This extremely organic structure uses smaller panes of glass - this reminds me of examples I have seen of bottles being re-used to make windows.

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