Thursday 9 February 2012

Interpolis Office Tilburg - Erik Veldhoen

This office space for Interpolis in Tilburg creates unique meeting rooms and work areas. After monitoring the work which went on in the company, Eric Veldhoen realised that less than a third of employees time was spent working at their individual desks. Therefore in this design there is only a very small area dedicated to private desk work (and for this reason the office only takes up half the space used by a similarly sized company) 
Members of staff are not allocated a particular space to work in but can choose which of the many and varied spaces would be most suitable for them to carry out their work.
There is a "clubhouse" area which consists of 10 unique meeting spaces, each designed by a different architect, which are flexible for different uses.
After this new design was put in place the company reported an increase in productivity by 20%.

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