Wednesday 21 September 2011

Group Project

so our group project to get us all started is to make a new logo for our university, we are each making a mood board to show our first impressions of the university and then we will collaborate to try to make a logo out of these images.
this is my mood board. I did it more as an overview of the university spacially, trying to add in all the areas which i visited on my first day by warping the perspectives.
I don't know what the rest of the group will think about mine, they all seemed a lot more arty and less spacial so i wonder if they might think my is unimaginative. but honestly this is the way i percieve the university, spacially, ive truly had architecture drummed into my brain!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Masters Days 2 and 3

This week of the masters is inductions and a group activity to get us started.
I met all the other people from the the various MA courses yesterday and found out who i would be doing interiors with. Everyone seems really nice and interesting and I had some good chats with people and even though we are all from such different backgrounds and levels of experience we all seem to be in about the same place when it comes to thinking about the masters.
Today we had an introduction to blogging and we were encouraged to start our own blog as well as using the uni community blog for this current group project. So once i start work properly i intend to use this blog as a place to post work in progress as well as to contemplate and discuss the research i am doing.
Our task for the group project is to come up with a rebranding of the university in the group. We decided to each make a mood board and to combine them to create a logo. I'll take my camera in tomorrow and collect images for this.
It's interesting being put into groups with people from other areas of the MA because of all the different perspectives people are coming from. I found myself feeling quite shy in our group meeting firstly because I was the only interiors person (and feel a bit separate from the other courses because of that because it is much less craft based) and because i think i may be the youngest person in the whole group! everyone else seems to have worked for at least a few years between the BA and now and so i easily find myself feeling quite inexperienced and young, but i forced myself to contribute in the group discussion and felt better because of that :)
looking forward to the course a lot!

Friday 16 September 2011

Masters Day 1

Today I enrolled on my masters course in Interior Design. I got my student card and took out a few books on colour from the library.
I'm thinking about focusing my masters on the way colour and light in a person's environment affects their mood and abilities in terms of productivity, creativity, empathy etc.
I met Clare who was enrolling for MA animation while we were waiting to go in, she seems very friendly and seems to know a lot about what's good to do in town, alternative film screenings and open mic nights, so I might check those out soon.
I met my mum (who has just started a foundation course) for coffee and we chatted about how strange it is to be at the same uni as each other!
Got the bus back up to the house on the hill and read some of one of the books I got out of the library. Lots of interesting ideas combining philosophy, biology, art and design, I'm excited to get going with the masters.
Next week is a group research project into our first impressions of the town. I wonder how it will go and look forward to meeting the other people on my course.