Tuesday 12 June 2012

Capitalism and Abraham Maslow

I've been reading this book about capitalism in relation to my project. Particularly the chapter "Capitalism and Human Happiness" which discusses whether a world where the purpose of our lives is often to make money can really make us happy.
It discusses the problems with this, in particular that once you make enough money to feed yourself you then want to make enough to clothe yourself and you no longer appreciate being able to eat...etc.
The author then refers to Abraham Maslow's pyramid of human needs.
This shows the different levels of need and how we progress from the bottom to the top and cannot move onto the next level unless the current one is fulfilled (eg: you are unlikely to worry about what people think of your outfit if you are starving).
This is interesting when looking at the workplace, as the ultimate goal of work is to use our full creative and intellectual potential, however we are often denied basic needs within the work place.
In summary, if a workplace is too cold/hot, or if we do not feel we have friends within the workplace, or our worth is not recognised, we cannot reach our full capacity of productivity.

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