Friday 18 November 2011

change of plans!

After a meeting with my heads of year, I have decided that my project will take a turn away from healthcare and more towards the effect of colour on people in other circumstances. This will give me a chance to look at other settings where colour is used to induce certain reactions in people.
I'm also interested in looking at interactivity in spaces in terms of colour and found this project called Interactive Kolsch: (apologies - its in german - but you get the idea)

Which I thought was great and got me thinking about reactive lighting/colouring. Perhaps to react to temperature/amount of visitors/heart rate/time spent/sound levels etc. 
I've been thinking about how this could be used in conjunction with my research into colour and physical/emotional reactions... perhaps it could be used in an office space where if the worker is seeming to get bored or sleepy the colours react to be more stimulating, and if the worker seems stressed they react to be more calming.

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